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Make sure your tax return includes Form M1ED & Form M1REF before submitting it!

Learn what you need to know about filing your taxes

Get Help Preparing Your Taxes or Filing an Amended Return

When you file you taxes it’s essential that you confirm you are eligible for the K-12 Education Tax Credit and file the firms required to claim the tax credit - this is the only way to guarantee you receive the correct refund. Even though to deadline for 2022 tax returns has passed, you may still be able to file an amended return. Please review the instructions below.

Important steps to follow when filing your taxes

If someone else prepares your taxes for you:

  1. Give the person who will do your taxes these instructions and all the blue receipts you received in the green envelope we mailed to you (or attached to the email we sent you at the beginning of January).

  2. Before submitting your Minnesota tax return, make sure it includes Form M1ED and Form M1REF. If it doesn’t, double check with your tax preparer if you are eligible for the K-12 Education Tax Credit.

If you prepare your own taxes:

  1. Carefully read these instructions (they’re also on the pink paper you received in the green envelope we mailed to you).

  2. When completing your Minnesota tax return, be sure to check whether you are eligible for the K-12 Education Tax Credit.

  3. Assuming you are eligible for the tax credit, use the blue receipts you received in the green envelope we mailed to you to claim the K-12 Education Tax Credit.

  4. Before filing your taxes, make sure it includes Form M1ED and Form M1REF. If it doesn’t, double check whether you are eligible for the K-12 Education Tax Credit. You may want to seek the assistance of a trained tax preparer.

The Department of Revenue provides links to several types of free tax prep software you can use online. We’ve created instructions for how to claim the K-12 Education Tax Credit when using this software. Click on the links below.
1040NOW | FreeTaxUSA | OnLine Taxes | TaxAct |

Find free tax preparation assistance in your area

There are over 200 free tax preparation sites across Minnesota listed on the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s website!

If you live in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area, Prepare + Prosper offers free tax preparation assistance.

Please note that MAA cannot make any guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, suitability, or quality of the products or services offered by any of these tax preparation services. Any reliance on these tax preparation services is strictly at your own risk.


MAA cannot provide tax advice, but if you have questions about the materials we sent you or how to get tax assistance, please contact Jazmin Wilson, MAA Manager via email at